May Serenity Blog Circle - 4 AM wake up calls

At the end of April, I attended my very first destination landscape photography workshop. You know, the ones where the entire workshop is centered around chasing the best light, so mornings are early, evenings are late and sleeping and eating are secondary to the shot? And at the end, you are exhausted, yet exhilarated.

The workshop was held in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon with Don Smith and Gary Hart, both seriously talented landscape photographers. Sunrise shoots meant waking up extremely early! I am not a morning person and when that alarm went off at 4 am, I won’t lie, it was hard to get myself up and dressed! I had myself extremely organized with all my gear and clothing set out for the morning, so I could spend as many precious minutes under the covers as possible.

Our first sunrise location was Trout Lake, with snow covered Mt. Adams (actually a volcano) in the distance, standing tall and reflecting in the calm water. As we waiting for the sun to rise, we were treated to the sounds of birds, geese and ducks waking up and starting their day. The colours of the sky slowly changed and as the sun rose higher it painted the volcano and the foliage with light.

This is one of those locations, that if I had access to it regularly, I’d want to shoot in all 4 seasons, as I can imagine how different it would look in each season.

Once that initial shock of the 4 am wake up call wore off and I was standing in nature, watching and listening to the world awaken, I could appreciate the serenity of an early morning.

The Serenity Project is a collaborative photography project featuring images that bring a sense of peace and calm. Please continue our circle to to see what has brought my friends serenity this month.

Next in the circle is Nancy Armstrong, Kansas Photographer. Click the link to see what serenity looks like for her this month! Thanks for being here.

April Serenity Blog - Spring Wanderings

I’ve been having some fun photographing birds this spring. Some I’ve just come across while on walks in the park, others I went looking for. One of my favourites has got to be these sweet little Black Capped Chickadees. They are quick and always moving. They have the sweetest song and there are certain parks where they will come feed from your hand.

Black Capped Chickadee

Black Capped Chickadee flying away!

Gathering seed

I think this is a female white breasted nuthatch

Of course, the old reliable Canada Goose is here, too! They are all over the place, paired up and preparing to welcome their goslings. This one must have had a nest nearby, he was on the park ahead of me, but didn’t want me there.

Canada Goose

The migrating swans pass through in the spring, hanging out on local ponds or sloughs, sometimes in larger flocks, sometimes just in pairs. I went out for a drive one afternoon and finally came across this large flock just as I was headed back home. They weren’t going to let me get too close though, so the best I could get was a shot of them flying off.

Migrating swans

This was a hairy or downy woodpecker, the hairy are bigger than the downy.

I was so thrilled to find this Mama Owl. I’d been told about a nest in this area and had hoped the owlets would be out, but no sign of them yet. Mom was tucked into the nest and we didn’t see much more than her head. I hope to go back and see the babes, soon.

Female Great Horned Owl

The Serenity Project is a collaborative photography project featuring images that bring a sense of peace and calm. Please continue our circle to to see what has brought my friends serenity this month.

Next in the circle is Iris Nelson, Metro Phoenix Photographer . Click the link to see what serenity looks like for her this month! Thanks for being here.